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  • Education
    1990: PhD, History and Philosophy of Science - Tel Aviv University, Israel Thesis: The Origins of Category Theory as a Mathematical Discipline - Advisors: Sabetai Unguru, Shmuel Rosset 1983: M Sc, Pure Mathematics- Tel Aviv University, Israel Thesis: Splitting Data in Cohomology Classes - Advisor: Shmuel Rosset 1977: Licenciado en Matemáticas (cum laude) - Universidad Simón Bolívar, Caracas 1972: High-School - Colegio Moral y Luces, Herzl-Bialik, Caracas Venezuela
  • Fellowships and Awards
    2024: American Mathematical Society - Albert Leon Whiteman Prize 2022: TAU Kadar Family Award for Outstanding Research. 2021 (Oct.-Nov.): ETH Zürich, Distinguished Guest Professor. 2019: Brazilian Academy of Philosophy: Doctor Honoris Causa. 2006: International Congress of Mathematicians, Madrid - Invited Section Lecture. 2006: Wissenschafstkoleg zu Berlin (Institute for Advance Study) - Rector's Invited Fellow. 1995-96: Dibner Institute for History of Science, MIT, Cambridge, MA - Senior Research Fellow. 1994-95: Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Berlin - Research Fellow. 1990-91: Edelstein Center for History and Philosophy of Science, Hebrew University, Jerusalem - Post-Doctoral Fellowship. ===================================================== 2020-23: Israel Science Foundation, Research Grant: “After WEIZAC: Computers and Computing in Israel (1960-1985)”. 2016-19: Israel Science Foundation, Research Grant: “The History of Computing in Israel (1955-1985)”. 2009-11: German-Israel Fund, Research Grant (with Prof. Moritz Epple, Universität Frankfurt): “Between Modernism and Application: A Comparative Approach to Mathematical Research Culture in the Early 1900's”. 1987-89: Dean of Humanities, Tel-Aviv University - Special Award for Distinction. 1974-77: Fonninves (Venezuelan Institute for Oil Research) - Distinction Scholarship.
  • Academic Appointments and Service at TAU
    2013: Bert and Barbara Cohn Chair for History and Philosophy of Exact Sciences, Tel-Aviv University. 2015-20: The Lester and Sally Entin Faculty of Humanities, TAU - Dean. 2013-15: The Zvi Yavetz Graduate School of Historical Studies, TAU - Director. 2003-09: Cohn Institute for History and Philosophy of Science, TAU - Director. ======================= 2022 - : TAU Center for Artificial Intelligence and Data Science - Academic Commiittee. 2021 - : TAU University Central Appointments Commiittee Member. 2021 - : TAU Wiener Library for the Study of the Nazi Era and the Holocaust - Academic Commiittee. 2018 - : The Chaim Weizmann Institue for the Study of Zionism and Israel, Tel Aviv University - Academic Commiittee. 1999 - : Instituto Sverldin de Historia y Cultura Latinoamericana, Tel Aviv University - Academic Board ======================= 2007: Full Professor, History and Philosophy of Science , Tel-Aviv University. 2004: Associate Professor, History and Philosophy of Science , Tel-Aviv University. 1996: Senior Lecturer, History and Philosophy of Science , Tel-Aviv University. ======================= 1985-1990: Instructor, History and Philosophy of Science , Tel-Aviv University. 1983-86: Instructor, School of Mathematics , Tel-Aviv University. 1983-86: Course Coordinator, Dept. of Mathematics , The Open University, Israel.
  • Graduate Students Supervised
    PhD: Ilana Wartenberg (Co-supervisor: Tony Levy, Université Paris VII), “Isaac ben Shlomo ben al-Ahdab’s ‘Epistle of the Number’ אגרת המספר. On the Medieval Hebrew Mathematical Bookshelf. Thesis completed – September 2008, TAU. Uri Pincas “A Computer-Embedded Philosophy of Mathematics” (פילוסופיה של המתמטיקה משובץ מחשב ). Thesis completed – December 2008, TAU. Oded Koren (Co-supervisor: Amiram Yehudai, TAU School of Computer Science) “The “bazaar model”: The evolution of the Linux kernel- from pure volunteer spirit to gigantic corporation involvement (1983-2001)”. Thesis Completed – April 2011, TAU. Raya Leviathan “Building the WEIZAC Computer at the Weizmann Institute in the Mid-Fifties, the Decision and its Effects.” Thesis Completed - February 2015, TAU. Itzhak Yosef (Co-supervisor: Tom Ryckman, Stanford University) “The problem of Causality and determinism in General Relativity: towards a solution.” Thesis Completed - October 2016, TAU. Kati Kisch Bar-On (Co-supervisor: Menachem Fisch, Tel Aviv University) “Brouwer's Intuitionism from Within: The Rise and Fall of an Unsuccessful Framework Transition Attempt.” Thesis Completed - May 2022, TAU. Rosie Lev-Halutz “London's Role in shaping Victorian Mathematics - The development of non-Euclidean geometry as a test-case.” Thesis Begun - February 2018, TAU. Eli Harry “The Epistemology of AI and Big Data”, Thesis begun Apr. 2021, Tel Aviv University. Mia Joskowicz “French Translations of Euclid's Elements in the first half of the 17th century: A Study of a Book in the Education Sphere”, Thesis begun May. 2024, Tel Aviv University. =================== MA: Eli Harry “The WWW as a ‘social’ self-organizing system”. 2008, TAU. Itzhak Yosef (Co-supervisor: Itamar Pitowsky, Hebrew University)“Causal structure in General Relativity. 2008, TAU. Ofer Zinger “The philosophical implications of the developments of the limits of computation. 2008, TAU. Shlomi Avniel “Causality, Time & consciousness. Henri Bergson's Philosophical Criticism of Special Relativity. 2008, TAU. Avi Turgeman Finitistic Science - An Efficient & Economical Scientific Language. 2008, TAU. Stav Raviv Kaufman (Co-supervisor: Rivka Feldhay, Tel-Aviv University)“Two Dualities: an Anthropology of a Mathematical Result". 2010, TAU.
  • Editorial Boards and Editorial Activity
    1999-2009 / 2011-2012: Science in Context - Editor in Chief. ======================== Membership in Editorial Boards: 2001 - : Mathematical Reviews 2010 - : Philosophia Scientiae 2006 - : Logica Universalis 2000 - : Revista Brasileira de Historia da Matemática 1999-2004: Revue d`histoire des mathématiques (Société Mathématique de France) 1999 - : EIAL – Estudios Interdisciplinarios de America Latina y El Caribe 1998-2002: Llull - Spanish Association for the History and Philosophy of Science 1995-1999: Mathesis - Revista Mexicana de Historia de las Matemáticas
  • Service as External Academic Evaluator and Refereeing
    Academic Quality Assessment and Grant Proposal Evaluations: Agenzia Nazionale di Valutazione del Sistema Universitario e della Ricerca (Italia); Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (Canada); Israeli Science Foundation (ISF), German-Israeli Foundation for Scientific Research and Development (GIF); CNRS (France); Minerva Foundation (Germany); Humboldt Stiftung; American Philosophical Society; Millennium Science Initiative (The World Bank); Gutenberg Research College (Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz); Austrian Science Fund (FWF); Zukunftskolleg, University of Konstanz Peer-Review Activity for Academic Journals: Historia Mathematica, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, International Journal for the History of Mathematics Education, Revue d'histoire des mathematiques, Annals of Science, Annals of the History of Computing, Configurations, Synthese, LLull, Notices of the American Mathematical Society, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, Journal of the British Society for the History of Mathematics Peer-Review Activity for Academic Publishers: Princeton University Press, Oxford University Press, Cambridge University Press, Springer Verlag Academic Promotion Evaluations: IUniversity of Paris, Case Reserve University, University of Haifa, The Hebrew University - Jerusalem, Universidad de Cádiz PhD Evaluations: University of Cambridge, University of Uppsala, McGill University, University of Paris, Bar Ilan University, The Hebrew University - Jerusalem, University of Amsterdam.
  • Recent Talks and Presentations
    For a list of recent talks and presentations,
  • Academic Events Organized
    October 2017, Brno (Czech Republic) 4th International International Conference on the History and Philosophy of Computing, (Programm Committee) October 2015, Pisa, Italia 3d International International Conference on the History and Philosophy of Computing, (Programm Committee) November 2011,Tel-Aviv University / Van Leer Institute Jerusalem Mathematical Knowledge and its Applications. The 25th Annual International Workshop on the History and Philosophy of Science (with Yemima Ben-Menachem and Carl Posy). December 2011, Ghent University, Belgium International Conference on the History and Philosophy of Computing (Programm Committee) October 2008,Northwest University (Xian - China), In Association CNRS & University Paris Diderot - Xi'an, China International Conference on the History of Modern Mathematics: Cultures and elements of practices in mathematics, 1800-1930 (academic Committee) October 2008,Rauischholzhausen (Frankfurt), Germany: Between Modernism and Application: Comparative Studies in the History of Early 20th Century Mathematics - (with Moritz Epple and Birgit Bergmann). May 2008,Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, Germany History of Mathematics of the Early 20th Century: The Role of Transition - (with Della Fenster and Joachim Schwermer) May 2008, Tel-Aviv University The Cohn Institute 25 Anniversary Celebration April 2005, The Israeli Academy of Sciences and Humanities Albert Einstein's Legacy - A One Hundred Years Perspective March 2005,Tel-Aviv University Cultural Relativity and the Scientific Enterprise: Context and Contingency in the Development of Science. An International Symposium on the Occasion of the Centennial of Albert Einstein’s Annus Mirabilis April 2001,Tel-Aviv & Jerusalem The History of Mathematics in the Last 25 Years: New Departures, New Questions, New Ideas
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